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[SIS女优百科][原创]美艳,性感,风骚的法国顶级艳星Melissa Lauren[10P]

发表于 2010-6-15 23:58:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
4 y  J6 x7 y* n: n4 L& Q( S" d(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

3 S: j! q' ]4 c. ~$ R
; l6 U# l+ J- @5 `* v档案:
. h* A( N- N5 m" m9 A' X5 ~0 t: P3 k2 C; t; ?(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
[color=]( j- |4 k; w" s  r8 m# d(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
7 U2 @. w0 y0 P  H9 U  w(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
, z9 y2 i6 e6 j: u(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
英文名字:Melissa Lauren8 @9 w) \- \6 }# C" s7 i(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

9 G; w7 O, ?4 Y2 b" V主要职业:Actress
) L' V& z7 A+ ]3 \' \8 ~出生日期:1984-10-16
/ p- z+ T7 g! Y: ?2 v
9 @! Z" a/ a& Q  |1 W) ~所属星座:天秤座9 Y( c) V/ }% k# r(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
5 K. t! w; p7 g( ^* h(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
身高:165cm: _1 d, u; N8 c! i+ [(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
7 F5 Q: J# k' z) p3 U三围34B-23-33   刚出道时身上没有刺青也没动过隆乳手术,不过她后来有去隆乳成34D
1 G& G  L" \) o# B$ n) N: V出生地点:France
2 b, |% Z9 F' a( \3 o9 |种族:白人5 O0 a  F) H% B. p% v(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
发色:金色,黑色/ y" Q/ o' ]3 L) b7 U(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
# }7 t/ [' w4 s(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
7 d4 V; }$ x6 k0 y(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
4 ~: I' [% c$ x- K(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

4 U, x2 K, w) f1 L6 s/ Z' X1 N[color=]简介:
/ Y* d% O$ V$ P; ]2 ]  K7 c, s* b4 C7 f6 q8 S(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
[color=]9 X  O  P. _2 f* Y1 f" D(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

  x* a% O1 h: L3 w  N- r1 ?6 ]0 S1 r1 C(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Melissa Lauren一个法国籍的成人艳星,刚出道的她以迷人的外表以及一头招牌金发打响了知名度,作风火辣,什么肛交,双插,跨种族无不尝试,后来还成为了法国知名的啄木鸟公司(Marc Dorcel)的合约女星,当然她的辉煌也就是在啄木鸟缔造的。4 l6 M" c$ m; e% |! m. Z$ X# q1 p+ z  d(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
. L* y% k  {& R6 ?: S5 y(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
[color=]Melissa说她曾经学习过3年厨艺,并在巴黎的一流餐厅中当过糕点厨师,后来看到报上的广告就去试试看,6天之后她拍了AV生涯的第一部影片,还说她在拍AV之前就很爱性交、肛交和rough sex她私下都很喜欢。Melissa的父母本来是希望她日后可以当个律师或是医生,后来竟发现她拍成人片,一开始是非常震惊,但是在她保证不会吸食毒品,以及在业界中并不会受到不当的对待,他们就慢慢接受了这个现实。1 R7 R% k2 U8 [: H(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

( q4 N: s' V4 z* S' S$ f[color=]Melissa拥有着一张极为美艳,性感的脸,尤其是她的眼神极具诱惑性。刚开始的时候是一头标志性的金发,后来慢慢的她以黑发亮相,而且在她后阶段的影片中都已黑发出场,慢慢的黑发就变成了她的标志,而且的确Melissa更适合黑发,似乎她的AV事业也是从她转变发色开始进入了一个巅峰。原本的她胸部并不大,但是为了适应欧美观众的需求,她把胸部隆成了34D,但是她隆胸后的胸型也十分的美观,并不像那种球型奶非常的僵硬,反而她的胸部虽然增大,但是相当的柔软,胸型也很漂亮,这可能与她原本的胸部质地有相当大的关系,隆胸后的她身材变的十分丰满,可以说是相当的火爆,给人的感觉就是一个性感尤物,再加上她那极为风骚,淫荡的表演,更是让人热血沸腾,欲火焚身,她非常懂得如何挑逗男人,每每会发出那种诡异,淫荡的笑容,简直就想把和她做爱的男人都榨干,尤其值得一提的是她在Spermaholics #2这一部的最后一幕,当导演接受访问时,才知道在这一幕里面的double anal竟然是她自己要求的,可见她是多么喜欢性爱。如此性感,风骚,淫荡的她可以说天生就是做成人演员的料,而且如此美艳的女人居然非常的喜欢受虐,她说她想要男优用拳头打她的脸,还说没什么男人敢这么做。她的作品相当之多,但是最为经典的还是她在小鸟时的那些片子,拍的相当的唯美,剧情也相当的不错。可以说有这样的一个AV女优,真是天下众狼之幸啊。$ ]; G3 h) c, L  I$ g7 Y. Q(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

2 q9 G# f1 [: d: Z3 C$ r[color=]
; m9 r1 L/ B9 _/ }; l: e * z! [6 i5 U& s" B2 c& u9 q(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

) i- x! F( z3 x# i作品:- d' ]6 x; G9 a(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
8 t& u6 ^* c; L0 W6 x(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
[color=]2 G3 N. j3 B3 `6 \$ c$ i: K: f(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

/ t; i/ f' ^( P5 J2 VFuck Me ------- (2007)! ^' S2 J  R( I2 I(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Double Shocker 3 ------- (2007)
( g& T: Z, ~2 X4 x# _& ]( \+ @! \/ MToy Boxes 2 ------- (2007)$ T3 N; C& Z. {/ w" X(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Brunettes Do It Better ------- (2007)/ C/ x& q' g; {/ ^" S/ g" a" R0 f: R7 R(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Sperm Overload ------- (2007)* p; Q0 k% o/ h, O(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
POV Fantasy 7 ------- (2007)' K, q# D5 h9 U+ U, |. ^' N(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Pop Shots 8 ------- (2007)
. P' n% e) ]9 n- _5 IMeat My Ass 7 ------- (2007)" H, E7 S' l6 T2 g1 D# ?(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Mayhem Explosions 6 ------- (2007)1 I+ F) D0 y* c3 }: Z8 V6 E1 g(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Gonzo Girlz 2 ------- (2006)% T+ c) S- H. ^6 ~(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Small Sluts Nice Butts 5 ------- (2006), E2 z0 L3 ?8 H0 o- ]9 F) `9 h(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Ass Candy ------- (2006)
' G4 D6 P- a6 O& ~4 @( zEvilution ------- (2006)
/ R! E% ~& M; j$ \3 t' TJenna's Provocateur ------- (2006)
* J/ y! A& _+ X' ASolo Erotica 9 ------- (2006)2 V( G; V1 o0 }) M) M& P6 x: l' v(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Solo Erotica 8 ------- (2006)0 s( n, }2 E: B( K/ U# M1 F7 E(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Ashton Asylum ------- (2006)) _( T$ p1 h% |# \0 O1 r# H(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Destination Dirtpipe ------- (2006)- ], T: M% w- c" `(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
The Inception ------- (2006); C! L/ W& C2 z" x8 k3 u1 c(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Swallow Myne ------- (2006)- _8 s+ X7 l3 ?$ i6 A% _! L0 g(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Anal Expedition 10 ------- (2006)
4 S  u1 t& u: F/ ?Cum Worshipers ------- (2006)
, H. Z# @( [7 G; G4 a% A1 @! _Hellcats 10: Cumback! ------- (2006)% u- u9 n% t0 e6 b* F* b  f(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
NASSty Dreams ------- (2006)% i& Z  ?! V6 n1 `. W7 {5 m1 _0 o$ Q$ L(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Up in the Club: New York ------- (2006)
) l/ U* e$ s( I" ORocco: Animal Trainer 20 ------- (2006)
) i* S4 W* C" z- e, K# B) g* r, |- {Cum Fart Cocktails 4 ------- (2006); Y  [1 Q- R/ w  @' w6 x$ H$ l(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Fucking Girls 3 ------- (2006)
" R: K. E; f) U. b( ^" B4 ^! `Nailed with Cum 2 ------- (2006)
! }# ~' V- G8 d" y* y' |Double Shocker 2 ------- (2006)6 m9 V9 Q7 ?, U3 I, w) J6 {(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Wild Side 3 ------- (2006)2 d6 }- f' w  D4 X& I3 @(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Service Animals 23 ------- (2006)) ^- ]9 k- f2 U(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Big Cocks in Her Little Box 3 ------- (2006)
% \% c0 y; Y) P* K  w4 @( l, AFuckin' Foreigners ------- (2006)
( E% [2 i4 W1 v, UMyne Fucked ------- (2006)
8 {0 p' |# k5 v5 h5 O8 \- H6 ]Ass Masters 2 ------- (2006)6 G/ j$ {6 i9 K(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Silent Night ------- (2006)  ~% d4 ^* q1 w(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
The Best of Belladonna ------- (2006)
1 a/ ~9 ?" z7 C; B2 EFlesh Gallery ------- (2006)6 q4 T- S4 \' A6 T: g; e& z(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Mayhem Explosions 5 ------- (2006)
& a; P' `2 k( XBitchcraft ------- (2006)
5 o7 Q5 J' r, f- JSlut Collector ------- (2006)# `0 O) K9 P' [$ p8 u8 h(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Ass Fantasies ------- (2006)/ [# E) e- M8 f& r: S% `7 J* G(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Fashionistas: Safado ------- (2006)* H* p- [( L8 [. ~, M(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Just Facials 3 ------- (2006)
' F5 J4 w  J8 o4 p( SLove and Sex 2 ------- (2005)$ T( W2 L2 c% {(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Myne Tease 4 ------- (2005), z- E+ y- P3 A' L. c(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Jack's Teen America 8 ------- (2005)
' \/ A- n; k; ~6 V  T1 ?" SHustler Centerfolds 4 ------- (2005)+ I1 `$ V+ P! C, t; |(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Glamazon ------- (2005)6 m6 ~. H. W% J# f; n  s) h, i6 B(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Fuck Me Like the Whore That I Am ------- (2005)
/ ~- a( k( ^, t# ^0 y$ ]* W* ^* oBlack Dick in Me P.O.V. ------- (2005)4 d# e! v8 L" j) t5 |: G(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Double Penetration 3: The Girls of Innocence ------- (2005)9 Y  v2 K7 c7 ]; V(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Assploitations 6 ------- (2005)
" e5 k, b, s! \" K* kArtcore 3: Masquerade ------- (2005). M4 t0 i: P6 B(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Very Very Bad Santa ------- (2005)
7 @: `2 O- f& \, B8 HAll About Anal 4 ------- (2005); J" N, [" @/ ?! T5 D* `(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Nailed with Cum ------- (2005)  M: _6 `1 P" l- |( K& {(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Sport Fucking 4 ------- (2005)" e: D/ E- l6 h- e(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Teenage Anal Princess 2 ------- (2005)
* e8 U4 x% z3 C4 l: t- p: ESki Bitch ------- (2005)( _  Z7 Y* F% \+ [9 I(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Planting Seeds 2 ------- (2005)
4 s7 n  P; a( j! Z$ w- R) L+ CObsession ------- (2005)7 A8 U! G$ a' }8 Q- o% \(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Jungle Love 4: In the Mix ------- (2005)4 [3 V3 Q: S+ ^8 t(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
I Love Black Dick ------- (2005)1 N# |" _4 i3 D7 o, O3 K5 Y(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Glamour Sluts 2 ------- (2005)
" Y  o$ y/ N4 E& V* wFucking Hostile ------- (2005)
* B! W) c. X" I$ F; h1 B( I! TBlack in the Crack: Black in the Back ------- (2005)
7 B1 x, y1 ?' N) [" aDP Me Baby ------- (2005)# ~) u! D7 ]- p. J+ J! l* y, C+ v(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Babes Illustrated 15 ------- (2005)
4 @  f* B& }3 o2 h( h/ v/ Q2 MAss Factor ------- (2005)) c) ]# p" P* O2 E: D(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
The Violation of Melissa Lauren ------- (2005)8 L; V5 @: @$ u(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
American Dreams ------- (2005)' c+ B3 \% r1 R1 p(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Nasty Sluts Who Love It in Their Ass ------- (2005)4 t7 z$ o( E% ^1 v(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Spunk'd 2 ------- (2005)
* z, o  e+ [3 L9 KNo Holes Left Unfilled 2 ------- (2005)
! e& p+ a1 l& E# QThere's Something About Jack 35 ------- (2005)7 v% K. G8 x7 w, X* E* w; N' m) i- d(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Slut Angels ------- (2005)$ H) r6 x6 F% I(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Pole Position POV ------- (2005)
0 O4 e& g" y* J8 s* c! x/ _0 f) jOne in Every Hole 1 ------- (2005)1 W1 D+ F' C" I, J/ Q(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Justine's Red Letters ------- (2005)
) w& h3 ~! j3 LIf It Ain't Black Take It Back 4 ------- (2005)
0 z4 d8 t# m1 N5 VGo Fuck Yerself 2 ------- (2005)7 j& P' J( q  {. ~% J(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Hellfire Sex ------- (2005). z2 Y7 W3 F& Z2 [(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Black Inside Me ------- (2005)
: n% B' t+ z- \) c6 n: FElastic Assholes 3 ------- (2005)
8 g+ ~& s7 s+ R8 i8 d; p. c, v: z* wBackwash Babes ------- (2005), A) O0 Y/ x; _) ?3 o(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Ass Fucked 2 ------- (2005)
* T5 d  \  s, J" W1 hAnal Expedition 6 ------- (2005), M3 `; ?' I/ W0 A(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Neo Pornographia 2: The Secret Tapes of Michael Ninn ------- (2005)
1 ]5 W; T2 |- oSpunk'd 3 ------- (2005)
$ M1 P& }7 u% Z) g2 j: DYour Ass Is Mine ------- (2005)
# M, N* Y/ v. j+ [7 Z, g4 mTop Porn Stars ------- (2005)6 f# k# m9 {, a( P, K9 c; K% m(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Smokin' Cracks ------- (2005)/ N7 L9 i1 t# V' E: A+ }(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Pop 3 ------- (2005)# i& C9 D" I# Q# v- x(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Only Handjobs ------- (2005)' [& d4 g" y. A0 V(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Lawless Teens ------- (2005)5 q  p' d! T* f5 n6 K/ \(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Initiations 16 ------- (2005)( k/ e6 U5 n8 C* t& T7 d) n(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Goo 4 Two 2 ------- (2005)* g; N8 `9 f3 @7 M: F& A  g3 N9 p(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Hellfire Sex 2 ------- (2005)
3 K2 S* Z7 D' F6 nBlow Me Sandwich 7 ------- (2005): r( `7 T; c( T; |(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Euro Domination 5 ------- (2005)
; m' V& {. \- W, c  \  f, IBe My Bitch ------- (2005)7 Y0 O: u* m" h: |+ E- N(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Darkside Legends ------- (2005)8 h" {) t8 |1 G(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Ass Fukt 3 ------- (2005)
9 g4 c; ^4 g( a' M( yAnal P.O.V. 2 ------- (2005)
9 A1 m: I" Z2 E0 j( ANeo Pornographia: The Secret Tapes of Michael Ninn ------- (2005)- `: p: K; V2 j) i" ?6 B( C* p(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Squirting 101 7 ------- (2005)
' c9 E* v4 e% t/ I# e( Z7 HTough Love 4 ------- (2005)- ]5 u0 s8 N' T(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Sodom 2: The Bottom Feeder ------- (2005)
& C4 W' ~5 Z' x4 T7 U0 J7 HSack Lunch 2 ------- (2005)9 G) a5 ~* o3 @& j) W(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Potty Mouth ------- (2005)
' ~- p1 y9 {4 C1 f4 k( oOut Numbered 3 ------- (2005)
1 P; L1 }/ g# D/ vLex Steele XXX 6 ------- (2005)
6 m- Q: y& P" }+ GKrystal Therapy ------- (2005)" e& Q6 a/ k$ q- \- S& N7 i(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
A Good Source of Iron 5 ------- (2005)' }7 F8 K4 y' c+ t( \" v1 s0 W(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Home Schooled 3 ------- (2005)
  w. i* M) M+ z0 R! h/ fBrittney Skye: Rock Slut ------- (2005)1 H' b2 U) I6 h2 a0 Z( ~/ k(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
F My A ------- (2005)( n& X; _4 X, F- F& E4 Y( ~: t(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Fucking Girls Again ------- (2005)
( g! C4 K$ [- C3 Z; W' z; wDirty Dykes ------- (2005)
5 L7 E$ {7 Z* V+ p- u  w" AAss Pumpers ------- (2005): Y2 H7 g: e8 ~0 b: X(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Anal P.O.V. Sluts 2 ------- (2005)1 U- g0 H1 H) t8 S% o8 Z+ p(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Nightmare 4 ------- (2005)
# o" ]: {3 n, U6 Q9 l& K' v4 `Super Whores 5 ------- (2005)1 x: ]; H0 p. C, P% W6 P5 S5 ]0 \(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
True Porn Fiction ------- (2005)1 @+ q. D0 W4 u(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Spent 2 ------- (2005); Q: V1 g" O5 i  z7 t9 F% Z(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Private X-treme 17: Anal Freedom ------- (2005)* [& _" j' w. i2 Q(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Searching for: The Anal Queen 2 ------- (2005)7 m! M2 w7 F" \* p- M9 _, O& ^(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Lick Between the Lines ------- (2005)
9 I3 H# ]. _/ N- fMouth 2 Mouth ------- (2005)  p' B3 G0 C7 x5 W$ N(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Grudge Fuck 4 ------- (2005)
3 j% |5 p0 r- ?" fHook-ups 8 ------- (2005)
1 g. y5 s2 @. B5 |3 ^7 }; |Butts 2 Nuts 5 ------- (2005)6 V- b  Q% j& R! Z9 K(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Face Blasters! 3 ------- (2005)
; d! K( n  Y. }! l3 MBelladonna: Fetish Fanatic 2 ------- (2005)
; ]9 e/ ^( o* h; A6 UDouble Fuck ------- (2005)
9 i$ L1 O4 F! G4 v  d( h( SAss Wreckage 2 ------- (2005)
8 l0 f4 i# C+ uAnalogy 2 ------- (2005)
+ Y* j# p; l7 u8 ~7 g$ QNuttin' Hunnies 2 ------- (2005)* l2 D$ R3 g* q9 U7 d4 L/ _8 W2 }(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
X Vision 2 ------- (2005)
  S: s6 U0 f/ I+ B# o5 jBring Your A Game ------- (2005)
9 U& B3 H3 ^3 H5 }0 P! QWet Pleasure ------- (2005)
" m* `+ e5 I; z# E- a1 b9 _& T, N1 P/ USpent 3 ------- (2005)) h8 H( C: a' u& P; D(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Private X-treme 19: Anal Supremacy ------- (2005)
/ d% O1 h; V+ l* a7 yShhwing ------- (2005); k2 u3 P$ O. d) q& K(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Liquid Gold 10 ------- (2005)
) K" g6 x, Z8 h" X7 x2 k1 ^6 I6 NMyne Tease 3 ------- (2005)/ k  ?$ Z+ _) l' g) P" p(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Guide to G-Spot Sex ------- (2005)
, P. F- h+ T4 P* F8 p4 D/ KHouse of Ass ------- (2005); P, z. C& t3 k2 c7 k, F(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Getting Stoned 2 ------- (2005)
5 Q8 _) k+ M2 s  V9 l3 ^% lFuck Me ------- (2005)5 b: G+ _2 t3 [8 Y0 p9 E9 I2 p: O(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Big Ass Orgy: Wall-to-Wall Balling! ------- (2005)) Q5 R/ B* z, t& C! Q1 P(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Double Penetration 2 ------- (2005)# p& R7 m3 t6 y3 N( g& a0 u(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Assfixation ------- (2005)
  v) R) F! D* v7 L! B% ^Appetite for Ass Destruction 2 ------- (2005)5 e7 ?! B) P' y% D9 M2 N* Y(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Rocks That Ass 25 ------- (2005)
" O! ?% A+ [/ Y+ h+ j" eA2m 6 ------- (2005)
7 e1 \$ k; Z! a5 ]9 z& DWhite Guy's P.O.V. ------- (2005)
- M$ J2 M4 e' [0 |3 M# R) v# e' xSperm Swappers ------- (2005): U# ?& {4 C4 N(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Tarot ------- (2005)
1 m* I; r. j+ j( f- a; zShut Up & Fuck Me ------- (2005)) R- H( @/ J8 D6 T* }6 Y(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
A Load in Every Hole 10 ------- (2004)! U- ^6 A4 h8 W' B4 |5 i1 L(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Sex Total ------- (2004)( v  ^3 N4 U& S% q- U8 @% B(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Service Animals 18 ------- (2004)
$ l7 \/ {* ]$ C* Y4 Q/ E% m/ i) GTeenage Spermaholics ------- (2004)
; Q* K" h8 W' V# X' {3 X' bXXX Platinum Blondes 2 ------- (2004)+ U/ x$ o  L3 \(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Anal Retentive 4 ------- (2004)3 a0 e  S) Q7 K6 R. o(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
A Perverted Point of View 7 ------- (2004)% A, L9 k' ]+ r; r(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
ATM City ------- (2004)2 k* o/ T6 c% \# U7 S9 U( A% y(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Gang Bang 4 ------- (2004)( D% Z& Y/ j$ u5 O(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Craving Big Cocks ------- (2004)4 R- e- }: U9 j9 Q9 [(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Deep in Style ------- (2004)% s5 `7 d" k( |2 R(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Feeding Frenzy 5 ------- (2004)4 Y3 N7 U# r7 b" A* q(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
I Wanna Get Face Fucked ------- (2004)( d2 ]+ p, ^) N; v(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Hi-teen Club 8 ------- (2004)* [6 B* \; b- r( [' A* s' F* ?! L(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Lipstick and Lingerie 2 ------- (2004)1 c. O# ]/ H' R, P7 [, C- _8 G(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Shove It Up My... 2 ------- (2004)/ c2 f1 V- z5 m9 ?+ }(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Semen Sippers 3 ------- (2004)7 X5 V( J4 H6 I* q2 b(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Exotically Erotic ------- (2004)% B4 A* P- g( h. c0 S7 W(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Teenage Spermaholics 2 ------- (2004)+ m2 I6 ~% u- c+ P8 x8 j(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Wild Side ------- (2004)1 _$ j4 i' K; h8 G: @$ E  R(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Anal Addicts 17 ------- (2004)
3 t9 c. G+ \" uWhite Chicks Gettin' Black Balled 6 ------- (2004)
: w; o& C7 n/ ?1 t0 VAssed Out 2 ------- (2004)
+ x! B" R+ n3 j- M) c2 AGang Bang Darlings 3 ------- (2004)* \9 x8 H( L: P7 Y0 Q" i& G(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Chasing the Big Ones 23 ------- (2004)/ }; j1 L! i0 \% n% `/ ~; a(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Directors Cut DP's ------- (2004)5 d2 R# G, F% a" a(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Dual Invasion ------- (2004)
6 A/ N5 X  l, S, p4 lHardcore Models ------- (2004)
+ z% ]9 n! I! q( l) z# bLewd Conduct 21 ------- (2004)  f: Y3 k7 ?# P: \9 w(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Slap Happy 6 ------- (2004): j1 `4 ~2 N6 ?$ w/ D(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Plastic Penetrations ------- (2004)
5 X' S7 w6 g( y* c$ HJail Bait ------- (2004)
) s- v! o4 i* g0 ~0 ZSweet Cheeks 5 ------- (2004)2 U! f1 Y2 f3 V1 `1 r& c) P(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Wetter the Better ------- (2004)& h; ^1 J1 t8 Z3 g; p(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Absolute Ass 2 ------- (2004)7 B0 B7 o2 l, P0 {' D$ Z  i6 ?(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
White Wife Black Cock 4 ------- (2004)9 O$ C: U0 Q7 K4 F7 j; Z(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Assault That Ass 4 ------- (2004)
: S8 |' T0 E* N6 |; gGirly Thoughts ------- (2004)) ^0 q6 D5 y8 o$ A6 g9 Y2 ~" f(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Blowjobs Gone Wild ------- (2004)
8 [8 Z" a; |# h9 @+ ~2 h" HDirty Blondes and Black Cocks 2 ------- (2004)- h4 q2 ?% q* q3 o$ i1 S(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Dripping Wet Pink 5 ------- (2004)% S, b9 P, y; @/ `(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Girlvert 7 ------- (2004)
) R+ W9 f" Z, m9 P  t, pLegal Tender 3 ------- (2004)
. G  ^4 {3 `7 P6 tTaboo 2 ------- (2004)! o! C' o9 i* f8 b$ w: B: f(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
One in the Pink and One in the Stink 5 ------- (2004)
( P  {# c: E* K* ^No Cum Dodging Allowed 4 ------- (2004)
) s5 H# i$ B$ k1 P8 B; _* z# eStraight Up the Pipe ------- (2004)
  T& A8 y' T5 K9 HUn-Natural Sex 12 ------- (2004)
- o7 J! J$ H* X( d' pA.n.a.l. 4: Wrong Hole ------- (2004)6 J1 G5 o3 A/ P1 P! j(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Ass 'troyed ------- (2004)2 K0 q5 t( ~; W8 ~# j1 ^(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Give Me Gape 2 ------- (2004)
! |% `5 T, [( d' F/ ]Pussy Whipped 3 ------- (2004)! @( k. _/ k7 g* E2 o+ n+ h( e(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Double Stuffed 5 ------- (2004)
$ u4 k1 L& r% M+ z1 sDouble Stuffed 4 ------- (2004)
3 [2 O& ]2 `; Y: j' q3 FGangland 50 ------- (2004)" ^# ]2 }" o" A  |! D(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Black Initiations ------- (2004)
6 V, U$ N% D* r2 v" L( j6 XJust Over 18 10 ------- (2004)7 B: o( @3 x5 S+ ]1 j(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
My Ass Is Haunted ------- (2004)4 _6 O( e7 E, H! {* J6 E% j5 }(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Rear P.O.V. ------- (2004)0 V5 Z( Z) d5 R) b0 ^# p(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Sixpack ------- (2004)
; e, [( Y  q/ z  I, t% E2 s# B* UToxic Anal ------- (2004)
; o: q7 |. w# l4 B5 M& X3 G2 e5 Guy Cream Pie 14 ------- (2004)
  k9 G: x2 n& i" u9 R1 }Ass Slaves 2 ------- (2004)! b4 t& X" @/ P% Q, c% _(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Gutter Mouths 30 ------- (2004)7 c6 f  D/ Y7 q' u0 c8 S' n(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
The Black in the Blondes ------- (2004)
- ^/ u$ d8 |, \$ bDown the Hatch 13 ------- (2004)
3 U. l& n, z! k, UDouble Her Pleasure ------- (2004)
% K/ b/ E2 B( l7 gSpunk'd ------- (2004)4 p9 G9 `$ x' R& i! ]( O(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Fully Loaded ------- (2004); h1 H* r  m7 ^- G(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Ass Breeder ------- (2004)
1 D' x2 u# n* c" z7 F7 v. h/ xJack's Playground 14 ------- (2004)
( F9 i, s  O; n3 t( eMultiples ------- (2004)" X1 Q& g( u9 G' \6 _1 U(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Rock Hard 2 ------- (2004)
" p+ c- F& X1 L5 f# tSexy Euro Girls 2 ------- (2004)/ e2 U! D0 ~! U; X# p5 E(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Ten Little Piggies 4 ------- (2004)
+ D+ M0 S) o; n) q6 F- |2 on 1 #17 ------- (2004)
/ u3 O9 \8 `6 {- h  q" J+ I1 CArtcore House of Whores ------- (2004)
; j% A, j. p: D- h: K6 HI'll Do Anything for You 3 ------- (2004)
7 W( l8 T! d2 I1 _8 \4 vBig Cock Seductions 13 ------- (2004); q7 u/ m# T7 i5 p# _# `0 z% T(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Dream Teens 2 ------- (2004)
! U6 F) {1 A+ ~  UCum Stains 3 ------- (2004)
- J9 ]/ S! y, R2 TFuck Dolls 3 ------- (2004)/ s. s) s  ~& a8 C8 v2 ](欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Ass 4 Ca$h 2 ------- (2004)
/ S  P1 t, i  ~5 u, u9 iInterracial P.O.V. 2 ------- (2004)$ R" U) N$ J7 E2 W: g; z(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Mr. Pete Is Unleashed ------- (2004)
, d9 m9 b! J2 H. n) O% E( d$ BSensational Teens ------- (2004), F: |8 u9 @1 v: D) O1 @(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Sexe & internet ------- (2004). ]; G, N' t0 d. u% q(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Teens Need Chocolate Cum ------- (2004)  {( P( t9 i8 s1 X& M5 r(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
POV Pervert 3 ------- (2004)0 @7 _3 g/ Z6 b+ `* L(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Angel Plush ------- (2004)! M& q  v  O# D5 n1 k7 A(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Meat Pushin in the Seat Cushion 4 ------- (2004)
- [! o& \9 k6 z6 W9 kBarely Legal 48 ------- (2004)+ Q" B+ R& [+ y+ n(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Flash 2 ------- (2004)
3 s2 Z& M+ U2 P3 gCum Guzzlers 1 ------- (2004)
1 e( v0 e, u2 P$ n# sYoung, Dumb and Filled with Chocolate Cum 2 ------- (2004)
" i% Z7 {- I' MFuck Doll Sandwich ------- (2004)% }1 E; i& K3 M2 d(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Ass 2 Mouth 2 ------- (2004)
6 H4 U0 C9 D. t9 WInnocence: Baby Blue ------- (2004)
% y7 C' ~% W! H% |Célibataires, Les ------- (2003)7 I0 m% E2 T( ^$ r(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Virgin Surgeon 2 ------- (2003)& b  K/ l% `8 y, ]! v(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Pretty Nina ------- (2003). w: n2 C3 C# T3 k5 e6 s- C(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
5 N! x% ]6 t  |, `! G$ o2 k! @(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
[color=]2 @& K/ E8 m+ n- q5 Q6 T; G(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

, P5 I1 l# d4 J% W5 J" m' z. D, z' ]1 a- V(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
5 n/ y6 c. N! `) i8 {6 C% `' g( f
& Z; I. g4 L& O啄木鸟的空姐制服First Class7 y" X1 T  V8 P5 O' ]3 d7 O  P(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
[推荐]2 r7 n' H) ^+ A! q(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

0 S( R! p: g: B, _2 A7 }
, E& I7 {4 Q1 e! H# o! n5 r( g! ~0 }5 E8 A5 P(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
! I+ l! _" M/ a4 V$ k, w8 j. O  M(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
啄木鸟经典靓装爱神系列Pornochic.15/ l, A* v+ ~( g5 z' Y(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
8 y# X/ k  m. Z9 S' y  ?" L# @2 M, Y$ M4 M7 _(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

, J' S* Y; P3 g0 n4 F. G# @
( p- _* E& m) v/ S! B, ^* L& {* L- v3 d) F, r( S(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
啄木鸟经典剧情大片风流女管家The Governess(中文字幕)
! {8 P8 G" p2 b8 q8 K[推荐], u0 _. a% E' r1 Q" N& o* ^(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

/ E( k5 t0 f: s9 s( z
, k6 T( k) x4 j/ T! v
# a% W7 D$ a9 g- v% g) [* l( I0 o% K& A( X0 G1 w3 y% Q(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
, c* R* G/ p+ l; {/ _(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

& r) {& G; _0 E8 U7 n- k+ O[color=]写真:
! V% D% e" h4 [8 A. i6 \, W8 n- n+ c0 h  e) e(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
[color=]( Q/ ~0 N( s- e( l(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

8 q$ f- u; T( ^1 A3 i" I. v* P7 v8 Y$ ~; i$ L(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
0 u; L7 \4 U& v" b(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

8 e6 r5 R8 r7 _1 M3 Z[color=]
1 b$ f7 O! k# y" |1 } : A9 I. t* \; a(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
! C. ^. ]; y% S) U1 q(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

; s- _1 @1 |( ~$ E$ B9 S4 Y: ~: U7 b5 _8 \! n) @, _) U: ^(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

* v. u4 c# b1 X- ]3 `  c5 ?  m( R! a& C2 e. h7 g(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

( j+ V  {( H5 ^+ ?9 O# n) m5 k; g# a1 n* O6 k0 K(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
& v' [: ^. N& k) {! Z(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
, R3 A1 ]* f6 o3 ~6 C(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

+ D2 Z7 K( f7 e' G) b
2 n5 R; l+ v7 Z% X/ l$ A7 q* P(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
: A# z, P1 C+ a) k) I(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

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