A point of the form θ1x1+ · · · + θkxkwith θ1, . . . , θk≥ 0 is called a conic; L2 v M) T; W9 ^# b3 @(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
combination (or a nonnegative linear combination) of x1, . . . , xk. If xiare in a 2 V- ~; \& C0 w2 econvex cone C, then every conic combination of xiis in C. Conversely, a set C is ; ?6 j& v C$ i, R0 F: q# j# \a convex cone if and only if it contains all conic combinations of its elements. Like 3 ^4 H3 R6 s% X$ M" gconvex (or affine) combinations, the idea of conic combination can be generalized0 ?0 e) w% h5 g8 K(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
to infinite sums and integrals.