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[SIS女优百科][原创]极品美熟女Samantha Ryan[10P]

发表于 2010-6-6 01:06:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

7 l! v" x( h2 _3 h0 e( t" D
$ u, R6 \0 j6 b) \+ Q
6 Z0 o* [) e4 O& ]+ H4 h7 C) G[color=]档案:( H+ S8 X5 K* u$ _4 M2 y(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

7 i" }2 x( s; q0 b: j; N) F% y0 ][color=]
/ Y8 Q6 c9 {. n) U( H! l
8 U% S* ]) @; Y) {* c+ \9 R( c6 s姓名: Samantha Ryan
# n" t. O, M: o4 f. u5 \' N+ j; v, b  U* L(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
[color=]& g) A& Z# A  S1 ^- x(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

! ^* t+ `2 ?& u" S7 T) w生日: 1978.3.3. (31歲)2 ~7 }# n+ i. ?% ^; i% J" v8 f(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
0 |. N0 l! l/ e* N3 g(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
[color=]& |/ X, x2 j0 G5 D(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
* d: d* j. o3 O" t- b- ~# d9 o(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
[color=]出生地: Kansas, US
1 v% P2 g7 X# p) k, v
" V0 P' d# w8 R: e6 h5 [[color=]
0 ~9 P! U- x0 D7 M
! E- ~+ Y, w& ~) L* X" e. G三圍: 32B-24-34
3 m+ {7 ^" s* Q  K) S$ k
4 M/ X, E  `7 ?3 u/ b% A: s[color=]
$ `$ e9 G' n' x. V: G' U% `( r4 a+ A: J. ^2 l0 Y(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
身長: 170cm/ 5 ft 7 in. |- E5 _: m" Z2 U' T(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
4 B9 u( v! ^* L(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

. U2 E) u! X, D. Y0 p% K- B& M2 s; y8 y(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
[color=]简介:) Y% w" H; s8 J% Y9 ](欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

  u/ C% d& N* Z3 z' J& A[color=]
% W6 a" L' f& _, T' {3 I/ X* G0 k: }(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Samantha Ryan一个出生于美国坎萨斯州的女孩,她出道比较晚,2004年以26岁的高龄正式迈入欧美AV殿堂的大门,一头闪亮的金发是她的标志,但偶尔也以棕发亮相。她的产片量相大之大,至今拍了100多部作品,当中也不乏许多客串的角色,但是往往她的出现使原本片中的女主角黯然失色。Samantha Ryan属于那种几乎有片就接的,她的作品中女同的比例占了绝大部分,当然ML也少不了的,但是据说她只演过1部肛交片,這是由Sex Z Pixtures發行的L.A. Vice,而吞精类的演出不可不推的就是Red Light District出品的Swallow My Pride #6,Samantha在里面是压轴的一场,一个人干两个男人,连吞四枚导弹,估计一般的男人是很难满足她的。) ~6 P! B# t, i7 c' T$ q(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
2 T$ Z+ d6 {: d" k. A0 i$ U/ n(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Samantha的脸蛋可以说近乎完美,这绝对是她的杀手茧,岁月的流逝并为在她那美艳的脸上留下什么痕迹,反而增添了几份成熟女人的性感,使人更加的着迷,仔细看是不是觉得和李嘉欣长的有点像,但是绝对比李嘉欣更加的性感美艳,个人认为她的美貌就算在当今的欧美AV界都可以名列前茅,Samantha的身材很修长,黄金比例十分的好,堪称完美,但是这个世界上可能注定了没有绝对的完美,美中不足的就是她的一对乳房过于的偏小,对于欧美观众来说,或许那些球奶才是他们的最爱,但这并未影响Samantha在欧美业界的发展,因为她那惊为天人的美貌可以弥补一切的不足,她甚至自己当过导演和制片人,看的出她不仅仅满足于只做一个成人艳星。Samantha最令我着迷的还是她的表演,尤其喜欢她那发自内心深处的呻呤,每叫一次都能让你全身酥麻,凄厉的叫声中掺杂着几分狂野,但豪不做作,看过她作品的朋友应该深有体会。) m& t9 @5 _- p(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

0 j* L! D) V8 ~. h2 i[color=]谁说奶子小的女人就一定没有魅力?这位金发美人就证明了一切,不用波涛汹涌也能秒杀众神!!!* ]' O) N6 n* h! C; u! r(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

! o0 y5 X% [: [$ H$ B& S[color=]
9 w, t# y, j5 ]6 _0 E; u% w. A$ D7 V- A- B+ o6 W(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
1 z: e$ O7 u3 e( R
9 f/ U' b  b, H1 `* U; ]' H" i5 N. |1 Z; S# d(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

6 O6 y- X9 n% P作为导演Samantha Ryan 的 作品(数量:1)
( L% d" }7 x6 M/ f+ {6 J
; r, K. D  V5 q# i- }$ a+ s* |# t2 c/ ^  x( C$ _, C(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
8 B% j; d  k! q(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Sorority Sluts: Iota Eta Pi (2006)
" r1 t1 K& M- i9 D( }, g% s% G5 ?& m% p. K( M) W: S(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
$ q1 B: M$ c( f+ j; b0 K+ b4 G6 A! D- `+ k. S: S2 J7 j6 }( b(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
[color=]作为演员Samantha Ryan的作品 (数量:166)' v6 A2 Z& p* a5 U) T(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
& v3 A! Z& r) w0 R" D& J1 i7 D) E(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
! J0 d, I( |* T( B1 C0 j) D; n
$ X% R  n! W" GBinding Miss Thomas (2009)   {1 S6 b2 T5 p+ J, A(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Housewives of Amber Lane 2 (2009) 2 m0 Y5 f2 C' n" ?(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Dangerous Diva's Triple Threat (2009)
/ c' K, a2 q9 Z  ^1 m& MNeo Pornographia 5 (2009) . o& n" T9 B" V(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Supermodel Slumber Party (2009) - ~+ E; J- L1 d: m0 w6 u8 l(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Wrapped for Your Pleasure (2009)
) X+ ~! M$ n  Y& h8 k" o; UGirl Crazy (2009)
4 J5 b" E, V5 a8 D0 RThey Tied Me Topless (2008) ) y# X& X. o2 P) L/ h9 z0 F8 h8 g" @9 J(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Bare-Skinned New Girls' Scary Bondage Surprise! (2008)
8 }& N% @8 Q8 tHearts and Minds #2: Modern Warfare (2008) 2 l( R4 F: h" ~- L0 J7 Q(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Pretty Girls Wrapped Like Presents (2008)
' c8 v# q# {/ JChloro Bondage Casebook (2008)
+ Z9 E' w) u/ N/ vDangerous Diva Does Hollywood (2008)
: Q5 I9 q, f" I( o+ j2 J5 f8 ~- Y' LBree & Sasha (2008)
! Z6 p; F/ g) q; p8 ?Costume Bondage Conflicts! (2008)
6 g5 s* N3 k/ r3 yBlonde & Brilliant (2008)
- C/ V. z' ]0 CNaked Bondage Captives! (2008)
3 Z/ W6 [) r# O0 YThrilling Chloro Conflicts! (2008) 8 f5 N  k' R- \2 [( Y: S(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Battle of the Hogtied Maids (2008)
1 Z5 L; Q  p8 EHot Models in Bondage! (2008)
/ z+ b& ~) z+ e3 JPretty Prisoners of Chloro Conspiracies (2008)
3 e# v6 e. f/ a9 A" rArousing Scenes of Chloro Treachery! (2008)
/ t+ y$ r) q+ C, T, x: ?# aFrench Confessions (2008)
, [  d! N& K9 XRescue Me from My Wrappings (2008) * n" @5 h7 s+ E- i/ m7 {8 D# a(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Bright Business Girls Learn Hard Bondage Lessons (2008) ! L' F8 Q( a8 A( F+ t* U(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Costumed Damsels in Distress (2008) - l$ w. U9 k% K$ ?4 s, A! i$ Q. h(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Bondage Surprise for Costumed Heroines (2008)
& c1 Y  Y' @6 Q/ g' L1 xNaked Tickle Hysterics (2008) 0 _( w$ ^9 ^" _" @8 z9 ]; W, A(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Today's Your Day to Be Bound and Gagged (2008) 1 e: u; K9 S) ~0 _(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
I Am Tanya James (2008)
) r- D7 r0 T- M8 b5 TPrivate Lesbian 6: Girl Girl Studio 7 (2008)
# R  O' x% E0 \1 v4 GBabes Illustrated 17 (2008)
* l* K8 l; C3 s4 |  s2 Z, J  nGood Girls Gagged and Bound! (2008) 5 R5 ~8 j, h& b" e(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Shocking Bondage Captivity for Sexy Execs! (2008)
- w; E! e( ^2 b9 f  V8 w8 x+ `6 pCase Studies of Men and Women in Bondage (2008) / F+ O5 B2 B; E7 Z. p  ?(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Costumed Starlets' Desperate Bondage Plight (2008)
1 |. ?& D7 U! `/ b# E* Z1 l! G1 sBound and Gagged Business Girls! (2008)
! z& [1 J7 f- NYou Won't Escape This Time, Honey! (2008) ( ^" f0 ?; [" ^: N7 O6 Q* o1 G(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Masks and Capes, Ropes and Gags! (2008) ! q% ?8 R! ~% Y# |+ x, i; T(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Sexy! Silenced! Wrapped! (2007) 4 N2 N& j0 k( m% p3 s) u(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
All Alone 2 (2007)
  ~- x  a- T# h. HThe 4 Finger Club 24 (2007)
% F! B7 j- k3 c% M; }0 qTea Bags and Tossed Salads (2007) % _! d/ Z& U+ H3 Z4 i' [. S8 f( r(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Solo Girls (2007) : ~& |: s/ y& x/ K' g+ w(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Debbie Does Dallas... Again (2007)
, ^  ?- s4 |" nPlaygirl: Amorous Sexcapades (2007)
# l8 r9 c8 ?) w# ~Fem: Staccato (2007)
. n, ^7 y0 X1 \' Y9 N, AJesse Jane: Scream (2007)
# j" Y3 I( o  }1 eHave a Wrappy New Year! (2007) & |/ F0 ?3 m& t- E+ ~(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Sophia Santi's Juice (2007)
' D1 J7 A7 n% e% `' M/ u- T" BBound and Gagged Captives of Chloro! (2007) , v/ I# m: O  Q( N(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
The Chloroform Solution to Knotty Problem! (2007)
8 v. _- W# r( S0 {Wrapped-Up for the Holidays! (2007)
; {2 N; e& m0 KSophia Santi: Erotique (2007)   f1 f# m* E) A1 i  F(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Pretty Packages Wrapped Tight (2007) : |8 G2 q/ m* Z+ u(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Costumed, Bound and Gagged! (2007) 9 I3 B( j0 A8 U; u) f(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Lucky Lesbians 2 (2007)
& u! K. c5 C6 V% U7 b7 lLet's See You Get Loose Now, Honey! (2007) 5 P1 [+ ^7 e5 S" k; Y(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Sophia Santi: Scream (2007)
- J/ f% ~' w" Y* E' y; I  Y7 ^& SCaptive Girls' Tickling Ordeal (2007)
/ J$ ?! u( ?1 ?. n9 GSamantha Ryan's Naked Peril! (2007)
4 O9 L( I9 ~7 c; `8 ^4 i( {) PSweet Wrap Music (2007)
( `2 n# p% O5 E6 EShameless (2007) 4 |$ P/ J  x9 V4 h+ S(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Courageous Captives of Callous Crooks! (2007)
  J7 s+ T. M2 C) O% V+ JNice Girls Are Easy... to Tie and Gag! (2007)
* O7 y0 v8 n) s- ACostume Heroines in Bondage Peril! (2007)
+ B3 e& i& _0 N9 S* z6 i6 m. M$ c" lGlamcore (2007) 3 e$ G7 l) n/ @9 ^) ]/ a(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Starlets in Bondage (2007)   I. Q  ?* i$ m8 m# V(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Barefoot Confidential 45 (2006) * u4 O3 l4 i0 R( k; L' j, ~, i(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Illicit (2006)
# O+ N+ B* t: w  ASex on the Beach (2006)
, @8 L0 v" p) a4 q5 ^Toys, Twats, Tits (2006) / _3 r0 ^) X6 A+ ^, z/ H+ \(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Fem: L'Amour (2006) ( f4 d, h8 c' }(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Restrained by Sinister Persons! (2006) ' @3 [9 o0 A: [7 L4 i+ z9 x  z(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Thumb Suckers (2006)
, g: z; P4 D( V. y4 }" ~Double Wrapped Girl Friends (2006) ; q3 w8 Z2 o; g(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Naked Heroines Bound for Trouble! (2006) * C" Z0 z9 \! f  D- e2 X- q(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
All Girl Cocktail Party (2006) # ~+ l7 b* D- X  H! |(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Desperate Struggles of Nude Captives! (2006)
9 \0 S! }& M2 S' z5 m( b! m( yMissionary: Impossible (2006)
) X! I' @1 h) Z: N- SCostume Bondage! (2006)
) ~! I8 a6 ]6 h7 k) V/ zLords of Doggie Style Town (2006)
* X* l# T- ]+ c* D. C% `; x# }* iBarely Legal Innocence 5 (2006)
- K' B6 y5 x: E  Y: qJesse Factor (2006) $ q% h7 b2 R4 c5 A(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
So Beautiful, So Out of It! (2006)
, ~/ ?9 y3 J! y9 T8 kWrapped Like a Gift! (2006) 9 a- `' e+ T4 I7 {8 r3 n4 K(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Fine Ass Bitches 4 (2006) ' L, y3 }0 {7 C* R/ T) ^5 j(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Sabrina's Bare-Breasted Bondage! (2006)
7 e( P- q4 D: l' H' Y) s4 RThumb Suckers 2 (2006)
6 y& T: w) y& ^Exquisite Topless Captives (2006)
$ L; Y: C9 f* s% H8 R! B' qPillow Talk (2006)
9 M, C' Z: t! F' LTemptresses Tied Topless! (2006)
4 X+ G1 W% N, _7 W! t% ]Dirty Movie (2006) * i5 \- S! [) L(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
My Sister's Hot Friend 5 (2006) % l  g: j6 `7 O9 |3 C, f: a(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Costumed Heroines in a Bind (2006)
8 X) U' _  M1 U6 A. f. XLux's Life (2006) 6 J8 @: l& W$ D3 F3 K+ Q+ h1 I(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Bondage in Her Dreams (2006)
7 R7 ~! B0 e3 K1 XL.A.Vice (2006) ) n  Q+ \$ p8 j( o% s(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Sorority Sluts: Iota Eta Pi (2006) 2 ^4 Q" P. ^9 ^/ t7 d, ^3 j(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Bare-Skinned, Bound and Beautiful! (2006) - l; v3 e9 L% \+ T0 Q(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Grudge (2006) ' |6 C2 m; }7 E( ~0 Y' |3 ](欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Sex Illusions 2 (2006) 5 r" K8 {# ^! D, q(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Tiffany's (2006)
  d7 d) E2 b9 \" W$ Y) G, `Fashion Underground (2006) / L) R% e0 }" q$ M2 E' d(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Pink Paradise (2006)
! Z2 l! {" G% Z' {The Kidnapping of Celeste Star (2006)
- f4 W$ ?6 P2 T& }. gDirty Talk (2006) 6 S$ H( T* K; m0 }3 ~(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Naked Girls Resist Rope Restraint! (2006)
) x: z& b7 H+ ]. Q! c* v7 M. ?All by Myself (2006) ' x: f/ A5 z' W8 a2 t# l' U(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Decline of Western Civilization Part 69: The Porno Years (2006)
6 m- E5 l4 L. L% k) iMeat My Ass 3 (2006) ! O( Q) `! K' ~  x! \/ J(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Chloro Power! (2006) , s/ u0 s, o- w( b/ l. \1 a; _(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Lip Lock My Cock (2006)
$ p7 ~6 J  p" O, h$ _The Elegant Angel Vault (2005)
/ h" s  ~  U0 T/ [, |Abducted Executives (2005)
9 r' T+ i0 K( X  w3 }: JNaked Bondage Temptations (2005) 2 z/ Y! w8 `4 h(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Spunk'd 3 (2005) ( C1 h' c' k) [0 P) o  u7 b(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Trapped and Wrapped (2005) 8 C  h, K. u: i(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Miss Strap On (2005)
9 z  V- V9 u- f0 h/ ~& P5 n  Z4 YTight Ropes and Stiff Nipples! (2005)
  A) u0 G/ d9 [& J9 Q9 JI Love 'em Natural 2 (2005) % Y) f& T& z- j' o* f5 @, t(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Pussy Play 1 (2005)
- D) D8 |& M/ t( ICum Addicts Anonymous (2005)
/ T- }1 x& ^, r3 o. }: n4 S: OHit It & Quit It (2005)
7 \& e/ B! x* P0 |4 xJessica's Jet Set (2005) 5 W/ W2 {6 e0 p% ]0 V2 o$ \) y(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Filthy Rich (2005)
% V' {, ]% p( |6 x8 i5 @Auditioning (2005) 6 K) e# j5 x$ @# `(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Naughty Teens (2005)
1 c7 S# H5 c! B$ vStuffin' Young Muffins 3 (2005) ! s' n5 ]9 J6 ?(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
War of the Girls (2005)
7 ]/ i) B3 C" c: E. A* w. e9 KSex Sells (2005)
5 \% S# N. ^8 j9 ?1 s- TTopless Bondage Exposes (2005)
. g9 K+ s1 P6 i- x. x& L9 |" uIntimate Secrets 5 (2005)
& I8 f- x' ]9 x  ?, oPussyman's Decadent Divas 28 (2005)
( ^. c3 W1 D' b" z- |Cum Catchers 2 (2005)
: Z( R; }- A3 S9 j4 EHostile Hogties! (2005) % @% a9 K+ u* }/ ~! a(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Lick Between the Lines (2005) - L/ D8 L5 b$ a2 y9 W; b  S(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Finger Licking Good 2 (2005) ) A- H4 \2 H6 M- [! P4 V(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Butt Pirates of the Caribbean (2005) 7 V9 ~# J, P& \+ `  K: U* |; B(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
No, No, Briana (2005) , H' y$ j$ ^7 C/ H2 M( A* [(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Double the Pleasure (2005) 4 w% ^6 S8 w# [8 p) |(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Swallow My Pride 6 (2005) 6 Q' v! ?$ J( N( ](欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Welcome to the Valley 6 (2005) ) W, u. E! A9 K(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Throat Gaggers 7 (2005) 1 o! M) G& p& K* R(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Shhwing (2005) % d/ s. P5 `( |8 L7 ~(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Topless Helpless Bondage Toys! (2005)
+ V6 v8 X* F& e# XKiss Me Stupid (2005) ( ]4 _5 @" `& c! l  I! j(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Tied, Gagged and Frightened! (2005)
5 x$ @3 c( I- Q7 \The Perfect Secretary (2005)   O  h, P: I& ~% e& d% j(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Hotel Bliss (2005)
$ z2 X( g6 f. P9 ~" lPleasure (2005)
) P# c+ |1 i. w  P9 y9 f; x% h" WCrack Her Jack 4 (2005)
! c0 ^7 q2 O1 O6 N4 tFrightened Topless Captives (2005) 8 D7 I/ U8 b$ e; K8 V(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Girly Thoughts 2 (2005)
$ P/ L5 l! g4 C) HNorth Pole #55 (2005) 9 j* @7 A1 a3 V; L. I( S4 H(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Virgin Surgeon 3 (2004)
! z  i! H' i' b$ ]9 J5 w2 ^/ eScrew My Wife Please 45: She Is Off the Hook! (2004) ) o* O8 h, Z! `9 f" a5 d- C(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Goin' Deep 3 (2004) 0 c$ A; U8 v- u% l. N$ k(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Ass Fanatics 1 (2004)
  W! [- n8 V- E. s4 RSweet Tarts (2004) 1 H  r! ?8 e8 H(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
New Nymphos 2 (2004)
- P" l& @9 ~' M- EBlow Me Sandwich 6 (2004) 1 V# [2 Q: I1 J% f$ T(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Twat Squad (2004)
& m# @! i9 \, M0 o# L. |Nurses Gone Wild (2004)
( \& J9 x) b! ZCrewkake (2004)
1 W, A0 T" K& ~9 VShayla Gets Even (2001)
1 i4 n2 g, M$ ~4 P( t1 K/ s" T1 L6 k% i
! d# J- m0 B# g0 _" O9 u- o) E[color=]. C$ B( E/ E  P. J; P(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
4 y% ], m" [4 u1 H( }2 t(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
作为制片人 Samantha Ryan的作品 (数量:1)
0 v5 ~) r: N5 P& l: C3 X" L9 }, i. n1 z(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
' T$ B3 w: `# S( N1 D6 B
6 b( Z, s! r% H, o4 K, LSorority Sluts: Iota Eta Pi (2006)5 T4 U0 F: B: S(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
, |, R8 y3 _* M$ ?4 I6 Z(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
[color=], N5 q; |* A$ k5 N5 h- J2 Y4 f(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
; ?9 Q$ o9 |$ l, V0 j& v(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
得獎紀錄:+ h* o( w0 L1 z. ?& p+ H. E(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
2006 AVN Award nominee – Best All-Girl Sex Scene, Video – War of the Girls
1 r3 c: O2 G% N2 P2007 AVN Award nominee – Best Group Sex Scene, Video – Butt Pirates of the Caribbean
7 J( J. h6 }) l/ T* D% D4 o6 Y9 f2008 AVN Award nominee – Best Solo Sex Scene – All by Myself
0 |1 R/ p" w! |- v0 f2 V* T2009 AVN Award nominee – Best All-Girl Couples Sex Scene – Girls Kissing Girls; ?( t5 S( L  l% ?1 W. v( s(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

! }& U+ t5 o) }" k) i2 J" G0 g[color=]5 }3 K; R) @" ~- X1 {8 |(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

9 ^; i* ^3 p& C; k9 M6 `0 W/ ~( o9 O" y9 aSamantha Ryan's High Heel Adventure
+ S' \6 O7 A/ \: N/ F) V[推荐]
7 i9 S5 d; @9 Y5 [; G; F
8 t7 s( ^# m' I
( t8 |7 I1 {& q% b* o
/ N8 L0 S6 _3 s# a- ^, ]7 Y
; m5 k9 M- H, Z9 X4 c$ s* |# U1 s" V6 A. h, o* G, `(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
SEX-A-PORT  E  e  u) Q3 u0 c5 E9 @4 B(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
[推荐]: A& k1 Y, C$ ]* o) z5 h! @(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

+ `( l/ A6 l% b5 ]  M( [2 T
" i9 f$ n0 T# w
' y# G& @) K7 v% n- b; n+ N% c9 _- d) Y. F' |(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

( Z6 B! O4 d+ Z, n3 g2 J2 @[color=]写真:
/ {! \" L$ n8 ]$ M# g, |, D0 ]9 [5 v/ e0 y(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
[color=]! G7 D' \- {# [2 h(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
+ L+ M5 A; m$ ]. K! D9 T" P2 {(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

! G, z$ B" n$ G) Y( y1 B4 n8 i  o' V/ B& \0 ~- U(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
# N& C1 f( Z. f, D* k8 n(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
% z  O0 ~. J! t2 Y0 J: J$ [2 r(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

; e2 k* `) u) M7 s
* z2 ^4 B, {( A- J0 H0 P6 n0 q# B: j4 i1 ?; P- N6 X(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

& N/ p7 l2 ]( j; x5 q# }6 m- H(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

; C6 M3 D+ h9 s, [5 i
# \- f, [  h5 V- ?: O: @& c$ Y
0 r5 {1 i( M3 w  i1 Z/ ~) O  {
) C6 X+ j. C! d+ C6 x: N3 e8 C1 l( i! }+ I(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
9 I: {* C0 r) ]- _2 o0 Q# U(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
" Y' k8 M1 x0 g! p$ M  Y3 V(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

) h2 C0 A+ `) n; I% c3 A0 E* H; `+ D, |1 [/ R/ ~(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

- T2 z8 l- k( {! y: Q' M! Z7 w8 W/ \8 J) o- b6 M(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)

5 E- {& \; {( |* e$ V$ N
; b- x8 W2 O) B! [4 c" z) \[ 本帖最后由 小泽菜穗 于 2010-6-13 19:55 编辑 ]

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