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童颜巨乳的陶瓷娃娃没想到胸大屁股更大 穿上丝袜学生制服 自慰白浆流满洞口

发表于 2020-3-26 13:46:25 手机版 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

2 Q/ G( _* w1 h) q! z! C/ ~, R6 _% W8 B(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
https://474b.com/file/25312850-432022623. R* l$ C) D6 l+ }8 A(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-5-4 23:40:44 手机版 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-4-9 12:27:45 | 显示全部楼层
Multivalued Dependencies
% M- n2 ~& k# h- d, `) t( XFourth Normal Form$ M( U) U% K3 E0 l  x8 t(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Reasoning About FD’s + MVD’s9 i) T4 R& a! l" e(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
) L: R8 m1 l7 s& q; ?$ eDefinition of MVD
( Y# T& D$ @0 c, j6 ^) xA multivalued dependency (MVD) on
6 |3 q8 O$ C( X0 N2 x) R5 t8 u/ M* gR, X ->->Y , says that if two tuples of R
. I: w6 S  |* s" H6 O4 Vagree on all the attributes of X, then 9 ~. a0 E$ V! v  I, Y: P* r1 l(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
their components in Y may be
  ^1 D' L/ F2 d. cswapped, and the result will be two
+ l" C8 l3 b; [8 }/ etuples that are also in the relation.
( j* O- F  I3 a9 T8 G* T9 qi.e., for each value of X, the values of Y
3 h0 ]0 t1 k# P. d' i! N) X; Kare independent of the values of R-X-Y. 2
* ]' o4 g3 c; N; |4 r" y( M3
( }! i9 `9 j# U% Y+ }4 wExample: MVD" C4 R; c2 N8 ?5 O: ^$ R(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Drinkers(name, addr, phones, beersLiked)
0 [: |* p* C$ o7 L- S' @% oA drinker’s phones are independent of   ~" \! u  g4 H& _(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
the beers they like.. E3 p0 Z4 X( t1 S) J- c9 }8 i(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
name->->phones and name ->-4 Y4 w; D6 P1 D+ f' h(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
, q- Q+ [9 a4 @& l7 ?3 h( W% x3 pThus, each of a drinker’s phones appears
; d8 l1 \1 e; a4 w4 m/ w" kwith each of the beers they like in all : @' Z* B( F6 v& I; p(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
% c" d8 I* |# C. p0 X- MThis repetition is unlike FD redundancy.
! E! Z; F& N  z( ~name->addr is the only FD.; X) h8 e8 l4 _) G( Q(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
43 \9 ]3 M4 i* i) p(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
Tuples Implied by name->->phones4 l/ r9 t% w4 h; C) Z( E: D(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
If we have tuples:
$ r1 f' o. n; r: mname addr phones beersLiked+ {6 Y2 h# Q. C(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
sue a p1 b1
$ u5 Y6 w" S6 z2 H3 X" Ksue a p2 b26 k- k* U* C! v2 M2 W. B+ C(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
sue a p2 b11 o. x! c; D* i0 H4 G0 C# T(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
sue a p1 b2
+ {5 J; C5 s( \. eThen these tuples must also be in the relation.* @2 k  j3 T! g+ ], D7 s(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
/ \5 L2 Z5 d8 {* [Picture of MVD X ->->Y X Y others+ |3 H, Y4 M, Y(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
equal* T8 y, s6 T# e1 J4 I(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-5-15 14:33:56 手机版 | 显示全部楼层
吃醋的滴滴滴徐丢夫妇次次次 夫君
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-3-26 14:15:21 手机版 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-3-26 14:18:05 手机版 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-3-26 15:52:28 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

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